A very big thank you to everyone who has supported and helped to ensure I's wonderful development over the last couple of years. Without doubt, all of your enthusiasm, good cheer, smiling faces and expertise has got I to where he is today.
Bicycle Trip
Working families need access to affordable, flexible childcare; First Steps Community Nurseries offer a range of sessions, term time and all year round at an affordable price.
Poverty is not created by the poor but through the systems and institutions, we have designed. Our vision is to change these systems with nursery sessions that enable working and non-working parents to book sessions that suit their lives at an affordable price. First Steps pedagogy for children mitigates poverty's impact through rich learning experiences and attuned high-quality care.
We believe that learning through play and exposure to new experiences is a vital aspect of a child's development. The activities which your child initiates are just as important a learning experience as the ones which are planned in nursery. The main learning at nursery comes from the interactions between your child and the other children and adults, from exploration and investigation, rather than creating an end product.
We see parents as their child's first educator and welcome all involvement because we realise the importance and the value of your role.
First Steps is inclusive see below how we assess, support and enhance the learning and the development of children who have additional needs.
First Steps Step Up - Winter 24 Newsletter
What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents
Support for children with special educational needs and their families
Professional Partnerships Building Quality Provision.
Health Visitors and Family Support staff from Action for Children are co-located in the Twerton Community Nursery and Early Years Center to support an integrated approach. Every year we hold three whole organisation in service days to ensure that all staff have access to high quality training often bringing in Early Years Professionals from other disciplines.
First Steps have membership of the Schools Forum raising the profile of Early Years.
After School and Holiday Sessions